Policies & Procedures
Laroche Day Nursery has an extensive number of policies and procedures in place including:
• Health and Safety
• Equal Opportunities
• Child Protection
• Partnership with Parents
• Illness Procedure
• Prevention of Infection and many more.
All of our policies and procedures can be downloaded here. They are also available in the nursery for your information or you can request copies from the Nursery Manager
Parent Information:
Laroche day Nursery enjoy a balanced routine of free choice and structured activities, which are specifically designed to support their ...
| Menus are on an 8-week rota and do include seasonal variations.We’re fully committed to providing food, snacks and drinks which...
| We are able to administer medicines on completion of a Medication Consent Form. A qualified member of staff will administer ...
At Laroche Day Nursery all children are encouraged to learn through play. Our curriculum covers all the areas of the ...
| As a part government funded, private nursery we offer 15 hours free care to children aged 2, 3 and 4 years. You can also be assured that...
| Laroche Day Nursery has an extensive
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