Partnership with Parents
We encourage a great deal of participation with parents in nursery life. We are always keen to discuss the development of your child, to respond to your concerns or simply to share the details of your child’s day.
Parents need to know as much about their child’s day at nursery as possible. Our staff endeavour to inform parents of their child’s activities and achievements as much as possible at the start and close of the day and through home daily books. The books contain a brief outline of the activities of the day,
There is also a communication board for parents i.e. [a notice board in the entrance hall where parents can read about various curriculum activities, news, observe the menus and any special events].
We constantly strive to improve the service, so if you have any suggestions as how to improve this service please use the suggestion box provided in the conservatory.
Parent Information:
Laroche day Nursery enjoy a balanced routine of free choice and structured activities, which are specifically designed to support their ...
| Menus are on an 8-week rota and do include seasonal variations.We’re fully committed to providing food, snacks and drinks which...
| We are able to administer medicines on completion of a Medication Consent Form. A qualified member of staff will administer ...
At Laroche Day Nursery all children are encouraged to learn through play. Our curriculum covers all the areas of the ...
| As a part government funded, private nursery we offer 15 hours free care to children aged 2, 3 and 4 years. You can also be assured that...
| Laroche Day Nursery has an extensive
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